Our annual Chicken Dinner Festival, the major fundraiser of our parish, began in 1959. Since then, thousands of delicious chicken dinners have been enjoyed by many during the weekend’s festivities. The festival is held on the last Saturday and Sunday of June. All parishioners are invited to be a part of the Festival Planning Committee which begins meeting in January of each year. To join contact Lenny Barcikowski or Pat Johnston.
The Annual Chicken Dinner Festival coincides with Garrettsville's Summerfest Celebration. For more information about the Summerfest, visit garrettsvillesummerfest.com.
CHICKEN DINNER FESTIVAL NEEDS YOU!St. Ambrose is in need of help in several key positions for the Chicken Dinner Festival. Duties include working casino games, selling tickets during the festival, helping work Bingo, bussing tables, and serving food. Even if you can help for as little as two hours per day, it would be a HUGE HELP. Please call Pat Johnston (330-281-9514) or Len Barcikoski (440-666-0722) for more details.
Items for the St. Ambrose Chicken Dinner Auction are needed and may be dropped off at the rectory’s front porch. It is asked that all items be new and may include crafts, homemade items, purchased items, or donations of special services such as a free haircut, oil change, gift card, etc. Drop off deadline is June 23. Questions? Please contact Jackie Kable ([email protected] or 330-719-7115).
Attention Parishioners: If you have not yet received your raffle tickets for the Chicken Dinner Festival, please be sure to pick up an envelope from the vestibule before leaving Mass today. It is important that everyone try to purchase and/or sell as many raffle tickets as possible. Ticket returns can be made any time before the festival weekend by placing them in the collection basket.
WOW! THAT'S A LOT OF DESSERT!Did you know that we need at least 600 pies for our Chicken Dinner Festival? What can I bring? Homemade pies from scratch, frozen pies bought at the store and baked at home, or pies simply bought at the store in the bakery section. We need everyone to help bake desserts for our delicious dinners.