"The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed;
at the same time, it is the font from which all the Church's power flows."
(Constitution of Sacred Liturgy)
The liturgy is the central and most important action of parish life.
By baptism, every parishioner is called to a
"full, conscious, and active participation" in the liturgy.
Many parishioners are involved in the liturgical life of St. Ambrose Parish and serve in the following roles:
Please contact the Office of St. Joseph & St. Ambrose Parishes (330-274-2253) to inquire about participating in a particular liturgical ministry.
Gloria Kuhn Sacristan
Please contact her with any liturgical concerns, Mass Intentions, funeral requests or hall use.
In addition she handles the Liturgical Ministers' Schedule and Bingo Schedule.
Adult Choir
Beginning September 1, 2024, Lydia Kulesza will be serving as the Music Minister for both St. Joseph and St. Ambrose Parishes. We are grateful to Pat Strainer for offering her time and talent during the time of transition. While her decision to step down as Music Minister of St. Ambrose is an emotional one, she will continue to be involved as a pianist when needed. We appreciate you, Pat!The Adult Vocal Choir meets for rehearsal every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. (+ one-hour rehearsal before 11 a.m. Sunday Mass). To share your vocal gift, please contact Lydia Kulesza.
Lydia Kulesza, Music Minster
Paul Hagan
Misty Henderson
Bev White
Recordings (mp3 format)
This committee meets monthly for education on current liturgical directives and to prepare for the various liturgical seasons. Members assist the pastor in creating an appropriate church environment in which the worship committee can experience the presence of God. This committee encourages the spiritual growth of the parishioners and works to educate the parish in matters that promote life-giving and prayerful liturgical celebrations.
Throughout the year, this committee offers many opportunities for parishioners to gather for special liturgies and prayer. Some of them are:
Held as needed
For more info.,
please contact
Chairperson: Mel Walker
This group of women join together spiritually and socially to support the church. Meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month (except in December). The evening begins 6 p.m. with praying the rosary, followed by a business meeting and refreshments.
The Society leads the rosary weekly before Mass, purchases altar bread and wine, assists in the upkeep of the church, acts as hosts for parish functions, donates to charitable organizations, and supports various parish activities.
4th Thur. of month
6 p.m.
All women of
St. Ambrose Parish ,
age 18 and older,
are encouraged to attend!
Contact Donna Ashachik
(330-396-6760) for details.